Human Resource is a whole consisting of inter-related; inter dependent and interacting physiological, psychological, sociological and ethical components.
In line with its features, human resource is heterogeneous in nature. Accordingly: -
• It consists of a large number of individuals each having a unique personality, different needs, attitudes and values,
• Each has his own physical and psychological traits,
• Most of the problems of an organization are people related problems which arise from the mistaken belief that people are alike and are they can be treated identically.
Therefore; in-order to make effective use of its human resource, an organization must recognize and pay attention to difference between individuals so that each person can maximize his/her potential.
Taking the above facts into consideration, Human Resource Management Directorate has been revised its existing structure and reengineered the new structure, accountable to the Vice President for Administration and Student Services. The Directorate has also formulated the following commendable mandate, mission, core values and motto so that to implement the new ASTU mission, vision, goals and objectives.
1. Implement policies, strategies, laws and directives issued regarding Civil Service Administration;
2. When directed by the institution, under takes studies of organizational structure and staffing plan in accordance with the directives on the classification of position issued by the Federal Public Service& Human Resource Development (FPS HRDM) Minister to enable it to achieve institutional goals.
3. Implement salary, different types of allowances & incentives issued by Federal Public Service & Human Resource Development Minister;
4. Prepare and submit human resource needs of the institution to respective bodies, implement and follow up same up on approval ;
5. Implement employment, placement, promotion, transfer, performance appraisal and disciplinary measures of Civil Servants in accordance with laws and directives;
6. Implementing enabling directives for women, handicaps and members of nationalities comparatively less represented in the government office that enhance their employment opportunity and participation in dealing with civil servants affairs and follow up its implementation;
7. Execute staff regular working hours, overtime work and different leaves as of civil service proclamation 515/2007.
8. Introducing staff obligations and ethics expected from staff of the University.
9. Conduct training needs assessment of the institution’s employees with a view to make employees training effective, implement same up on approval, supervise its implementation;
10. Ensure that the work place does not cause hazards to the health and safety of employees and proposes to provide them with protective devices and materials and give them instructions on their usage;
11. Organize uniform human resource data management of the institution, collect and organize statistical data regarding employees of the institution and disseminate to the concerned bodies of the institution;
12. Present service extension request of employees beyond retirement age to Federal Public Service & Human Resource Development Minister, follow up its final decision and implement same up on approval.
13. Provide consultancy services on Human Resource Management issues.
Provide quality human resource services to attract, develop, motivate and retain a diverse work force within a supportive work environment. We do this with an emphasis on customer based service delivery on consultation and communication with members of ASTU Community. The HRMD is also committed to support and to implement HRM policies, strategies, laws and directives issued by Federal Public Service & Human Resource Development Minister aimed at ensuring good governance and operational excellence.
The vision of HRMD is to share ASTU’s vision, core values and motto:
“ASTU shall be the first choice in Ethiopia and a premier center of excellence in Applied Science and Technology in Africa by 2025. Read More
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